Comprehension Questions & Answers
English, Class 9th.
5 Paragraphs of
Comprehension from the Examples.
( According to Smart Syllabus.)
Answer & Q of Paragraph III
Q. 1 What was the stag doing ?
Ans: The stag was drinking water.
Q. 2 What did he see in the water?
Ans: He saw his reflection in the water.
Q. 3 Why was he pleased?
Ans: He was pleased to see his beautiful horns.
Q. 4 What made him sad?
Ans: His thin legs made him sad.
Q. 5 Why did he run?
Ans: He ran to safe his life.
Q. 6 How did his legs help him?
Ans: His legs helped him to run fast.
Answer & Q of Paragraph IV
Q. 1 By whom had Robert Bruce been defeated many times?
Ans: Robert Bruce had been defeated by English Army many times.
Q. 2 Where did he hide?
Ans: He hid himself in a cave.
Q. 3 What did he see in the cave?
Ans: He saw a spider in the cave.
Q. 4 After how many attempts did the spider succeed?
Ans: The spider succeeded in its ninth attempt.
Q. 5 What lesson did Robert Bruce learn from the spider?
Ans: Robert Bruce learnt that:
" We should try again and again until we get success. "
Answer & Q of Paragraph V
Q. 1 Who lived for three years in the valley?
ANS: The master and all his relatives lived in the valley for three years.
Q. 2 Who joined the master and his relatives?
Ans: Many of the Muslims joined them.
Q. 3 What did the Makkans do?
Ans: The Makkans stopped supplying food and water to Banno Hashim.
Q. 4 How did Banno Hashim live?
Ans: Banno Hashim lived on leaves and roots of the trees.
Q. 5 What was the condition of the children?
Ans: The condition of the children was pitiable.
Q. 6 Who took pity on Banno Hashim?
Ans: Some kind hearted Makkans leaders took pity on them.
Answer & Q of Paragraph VII
Q. 1 What kind of company should be a good student keep?
Ans: A good student should keep a good company.
Q. 2 Why do some students miss their classes?
Ans: Some students miss their classes due to bad company.
Q. 3 Why do good students enjoy good health?
Ans: Good students enjoy good health because they work and play at their proper times.
Q. 4 Why are games necessary for students?
Ans: Games are necessary for the students because game keep them healthy.
Q. 5 Where does the success of a student lie?
Ans: The success of a student lies in following a timetable of work and play.
Answer & Q of Paragraph IX
Q. 1 How did Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed treat the people?
Ans: Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed was kind and just to them.
Q. 2 What were the orders given to the army?
Ans: He had ordered his army not to harm any one.
Q. 3 What did he say about the farmers and civilians?
Ans: He said:
" They are the real strength of a society. "
Q. 4 How had their former masters treat them?
Ans: Their former masters had been hard on them.
Q. 5 How did Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed win the hearts of the conquered people?
Ans: He won their hearts with kindness.
Q. 6 Why did the people hate their old masters?
Ans: The people hated their old masters because of their unkind treatment.